Where's the best place to buy stainless killing cones?


10 Years
Nov 22, 2009
Western NC
My cornish cross will be ready to butcher next month and the last thing on my list to get is a killing cone or two. I tried cutting a traffic cone but I'd rather just buy a nice, easy to wash stainless steel one. There used to be someone on here that made them but I don't remember whol. Where do you buy them? Thanks!
Thanks for the help. I don't have the time, skills, or tools to build one now. I'm going to have to buy one.

I didn't realize they came in so many different sizes. Which size is best for Cornish Cross? On the CCONLY site they even list different sizes for regular cornish cross or jumbo cornish cross. If I order from some hatcheries they're called Cornish Cross, but others call them Jumbo Cornish Cross. I also sometimes have cull layers or roosters. Surely I don't really need 4 different sizes?! Is there one size that's adequate for most needs?
I would probably go with M3, I built my own from the diy thread, 39 top 17 bottom with 1.5 inch over lap and they worked perfect. Borrow two and they were too small, the heads wouldn't come out the bottom.
B2 3.5 x 10 x 13 ( Size for standard or Cornish x ) 2 to 6 dress weight.
M3 4.5 X 12 X 15 ( Size for Jumbo Cornish X ) 8 to 15 dress weight.
Are the two common sizes that cconly lists by dressed weight, so if most of your birds are going to be under 8-9 pounds when you do them you can probably just use the smaller one, if you are going to be doing a lot of big birds, you may want the larger one.

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