Which breed for deep blue eggs?

One thing you need to realize is that the depth of colour of an egg varies over the laying cycle. This occurs with both blue and brown (and presumably olive) eggs. Obviously not with white. Anways, as the laying cycle begins, the egg is about as dark as it will ever get (for a first time layer, that may not be entirely accurate, as the bird is just starting to exercise all the "stuff" that goes into making eggs). Gradually, as the laying cycle goes on, the pigment will deplete and the eggs will get lighter in colour. The the bird will go broody and raise a clutch, or molt, and spend a few weeks no laying. Once she starts up again, her eggs will again be dark.

Now, as others have said, HOW dark varies, as does the actual HUE. To me, even the "bluest" of eggs still has a bit of green look to it...to me a true blue is much closer to lavender/purple on a colour chart than the colours we see in blue eggs (including robin's eggs).

I have seen egg colour charts that link depth of colour with a number. Perhaps google? Anyways, my guess would be that the HUE would be at least as important to you as the depth of colour, but then I am not you. Personally the olive-coloured eggs are something I do not find at all attractive. But obviously many people do.
Cream legbar lay the most noticeable blue egg in my opinion. It is still pale, because there is no chicken that lays a bright blue egg - that is just how it goes. Also, easter eggers don't only lay green or blue eggs...most do, but some will lay brown eggs, so be prepared for disappointment. Also, certain breeders cross polish hens with with EE and get a blue laying polish hen. It is pretty cool if you are looking for variety, because you get a show chicken and a blue egg.
Well you can always look at e bay under hatching egg's for ( hatching egg's ) you should be able to find someone who sales blue Easter egg hatching egg's

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Hello all. If I mate a leghorn w/ my ameraucana rooster, will I get a bright blue egg or green?? Or will I just get a faded white egg?
I bred my Araucana rooster to Leghorn hens - white leghorns and brown leghorns.

The pullets from the brown leghorn cross laid a bluer egg then the pullets from the white leghorns.

There are color charts that breeders use to identify the colors of their eggs. Pictures over the internet can be very misleading when trying to see the color of blue eggs.
The Wheaten Ameraucanas tend to have the bluest egg of the Ameraucanas. DMRippy's Super Blue Egglayers (SBELS) are a Leghorn/Ameraucana or Leghorn/Crested Cream Legbar. They have nice blue egg color, lay large eggs and lay prolifically.

if you are wanting the stone/gray egg look up the Quechua and Huastec threads. Grannychick55 will be having chicks/eggs available later this spring/summer.
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Some one explained to me that white leghorns have a " double white " color gene for their egg.

He also suggested in another post that using another type of leghorn. I used light brown leghorns. He was right!

Ps sorry about not seeing this sooner.
I had a blue egg laying EE and some Cream Legbars and could not distinguish their eggs apart by color when we tried a double blind study. The best rating of blue egg color comes, in my opinion, from the Araucana breed club color chart - it has more choices in the blue-green range than the Online Auction chart (OAC).

Color is not dependable in photos - this was an experiment I did for my own curiosity

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