Which breeds did you wish you got?

I knew nothing about chicken breeds and in my search for a coop, I got 2 chooks that came with the coop I bought. A pekin bantam and a silkie. They turned out to be wonderful pets for the kids but only the silkie gave eggs for a month before getting broody. Hence we got an isa brown chick to put under her. Seeing that we had zero eggs since, a friend gave me a 6month old production red pullet. So now I have 4 but we are still yet to see any eggs. Sigh... the wait is long...
I knew nothing about chicken breeds and in my search for a coop, I got 2 chooks that came with the coop I bought. A pekin bantam and a silkie. They turned out to be wonderful pets for the kids but only the silkie gave eggs for a month before getting broody. Hence we got an isa brown chick to put under her. Seeing that we had zero eggs since, a friend gave me a 6month old production red pullet. So now I have 4 but we are still yet to see any eggs. Sigh... the wait is long...

I remember that wait..every day, running out to the coop thinking..'this is the day..'
Now I hatch babies that should start laying as the others are going into molt or winter vacation..I use the word should lightly because it often backfires..lol..they definitely don't care about our plans or wants..but love them regardless
I'm just starting out this year , but so far I have: Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Barred Rocks, Black & Red Sex Links, RIR, Speckled, Light, & Coronation Sussex chicks. Now I'm wishing I'd also added some Wyandottes (silver laced and red perhaps), Buff Brahmas, and maybe a salmon faverolle. I've actually found a local hatchery that has all that I just mentioned
. The reason I didn't get them in the first place is they were not offered by my local feed store and being new to this - I didn't know that much about them. My goal is to start with a large variety and cull as I find necessary. Also, the husband is finally going to realize that my "just a few chickens" is turning in to something much more.
I remember that wait..every day, running out to the coop thinking..'this is the day..'
Now I hatch babies that should start laying as the others are going into molt or winter vacation..I use the word should lightly because it often backfires..lol..they definitely don't care about our plans or wants..but love them regardless

Oh good on you lol. Yes we love them all despite no eggs. Hope to hear their egg song and when that happens I'll rush out hoping to collect an egg. :D
I wish I'd gotten a silkie because I've been pinning for a broody hen since last year. Of course broody's seem to notice when they're no longer wanted so every time I go to look for a silkie mine would tease me with a day or two of hissing. I must have put on a convincing act though because now I have two birds sitting on a nest and seem to be staying put.
I'll probably search for a silkie for next year.
Oh good on you lol. Yes we love them all despite no eggs. Hope to hear their egg song and when that happens I'll rush out hoping to collect an egg. :D

They will play games with you when the time is close..they practice fake eggs songs randomly for what seems like forever before they actually lay an egg..just be prepared for their tricks.. lol
They will play games with you when the time is close..they practice fake eggs songs randomly for what seems like forever before they actually lay an egg..just be prepared for their tricks.. lol

Yes they do haha. My silkie was like that too. My pekin bantam always sang but never got an egg from her. Now that it is winter where I am, I won't raise my hopes to high. :D
I wish I'd gotten a silkie because I've been pinning for a broody hen since last year. Of course broody's seem to notice when they're no longer wanted so every time I go to look for a silkie mine would tease me with a day or two of hissing. I must have put on a convincing act though because now I have two birds sitting on a nest and seem to be staying put.
I'll probably search for a silkie for next year.

If you want a broody hen, lots of breeds other than silkie go broody. (My husband had gotten a silkie in with some bantams but it died) Meanwhile my mixes, chanteclers and even my Easter eggers go broody, along with a few other breeds, too.
I can barely wait until the bantams decide it's time for them to go broody.
I swear I'm going to add a few production birds to the flock next year just so I have some that DON'T go broody.

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