Which breeds did you wish you got?

It doesn't look anything like what I thought mine were. I'll try to get some pictures this weekend and post. There are four of them in the order. They are beautiful little chicks - they may be a breed of Easter Egger - I got several of those - like 3 different kinds. There are some leghorns, New Hampshire reds and quite a few black Austrolorpes. All cute as can be!
I will try to post some pics tomorrow, but mine look like Gitabooks. The packing slip said they were 6 weeks old, but they look rather small for that age (or at least compared to my Sussex they do). I was also surprised by their beaks. They look longer and more curved. I'm new to chicks, so I guess that's my ignorance of the breed.
The one breed I did not get was barred rocks. I really wanted some of those! However, I have a broody hen sitting on 8 eggs right now. Today is day 21, but no chicks yet. However, some of the eggs are moving, so I guess it's just a matter of time. The hen got off the nest to get some water and I looked. There are two barred rock eggs and 6 EE eggs.
The one breed I did not get was barred rocks. I really wanted some of those! However, I have a broody hen sitting on 8 eggs right now. Today is day 21, but no chicks yet. However, some of the eggs are moving, so I guess it's just a matter of time. The hen got off the nest to get some water and I looked. There are two barred rock eggs and 6 EE eggs.
I so much hope you get all healthy and alive. Sounds like a great bunch of kids.

This is a young SLW.

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