Which breeds do I have here? Help!!


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2016
I'm just starting out with chickens and I am not sure what these two hens are.
Left is probably some sort of a black sexlink, but it could have some EE in that mix.

Right is a silver laced Wyandotte. Neither are going to be exhibition birds, but are probably ideal if you're interested in egg layers. :)
Yes we want layers, we have 17 chickens total. I purchased the mcmurry hatchery brown egg layer bundle. I was able to identify our other hens.
Oh my, that is not a SLW. To call it one is a crime upon the breed IMO, I might agree that the black and brown one is a sexlink if it came from a hatchery. But considering they both probably came from a local seller they are most likely barnyard mixes.

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