Which breeds go broody

I've had Silkies, a Phoenix, A Japanese bantam and an Australorp all go broody. Everyone of them hatched the eggs and were good mamas, except for the Aussie. She sat on eggs three times and abandoned the eggs at 2 weeks.

I would Silkies are your best bet though.
We have three BO-one was broody all last year but kept breaking the eggs, one was never broody and the other was broody and a really good Mother. We have 4 Wheaten Ameraucanas one is broody, one is trying to be broody and the other two aren't and hopefully won't be for a little while, we would like to get a few eggs. When they go broody they stop laying and don't start again till the chicks are old enough to be on their own and then some, so no eggs for a couple months at least, which is ok if you have enough chickens! We have 2 Aust. that have never been broody and all the other Ameraucanas aren't broody.
Last year when one of our hens was sitting on eggs if she left the coop to take a dust bath and eat another hen would sit on her eggs till she got back, they all seemed to help- leghorns, partridge rocks, white rocks it was funny to watch.

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