Which came first? The chicken or the egg???

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Alright, I've never seen any of you here with my own eyes. I don't believe you exist. If everything evolved from something else, why aren't they still evolving today? Why aren't humans evolving into something else? If birds came from reptiles, why aren't they all turning into something else?

Okay, i believe in God, by im an evovltionest or what ever its called

they arent evolving because they dont NEED too, birds evolved from reptiles for flight, to get food, they cant evolve to breath underwater, so they arent evolving

thats the best answer i could come up with XD

Because it takes a very long period of time for a creature to evolve. Plus, we haven't had the need to evolve lately. Same thing goes for many animals. Perhaps they're at their final form. We don't have the answers to everything, and we never truly will. I don't believe in science any more than I do with religion.
Alright, I've never seen any of you here with my own eyes. I don't believe you exist. If everything evolved from something else, why aren't they still evolving today? Why aren't humans evolving into something else? If birds came from reptiles, why aren't they all turning into something else?

Evolution takes millions of years, in reality, one human life-time is very short compared to the life of the earth. You can't expect you wake up one morning and your pet lizard is suddenly hopping around like a budgie. Evolution is happening right now, but it is so slow that you can't see it in just a few years.
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How can I be sure? Well, for starters, they have dug them up. Its not a guess, its hard evidence that you can hold in your hands. They can study the structure of a dinosaur and compare it to a bird. Archaeopteryx, (a Jurassic bird) and Deinonychus, (a theropod) are very similar. They have also found remains of reptiles with the beginnings of feathers.

My point is that neither science, nor religion can completely explain everything. I prefere to place my beliefs in something I can see, or touch. Not blindly in faith, which I cannot prove exists, or doesn't.

They think those bones are from dinosaurs, they think they know exactly what they looked like. Unless they have had dinosaur, that is alive, in captivity, and had it die there, and taken those bones, from that dinosaur, that is the only way they can have real proof that those bones really did come from dinosaurs. There's no real proof that there really were dinosaurs, it's only possible that those bones are from dinosaurs who died out a long time ago. Believing that dinosaurs exist, is blindly, to me, because there is no evidence that is cold hard fact that says: it is this and it can't be anything else.
They think those bones are from dinosaurs, they think they know exactly what they looked like. Unless they have had dinosaur, that is alive, in captivity, and had it die there, and taken those bones, from that dinosaur, that is the only way they can have real proof that those bones really did come from dinosaurs. There's no real proof that there really were dinosaurs, it's only possible that those bones are from dinosaurs who died out a long time ago. Believing that dinosaurs exist, is blindly, to me, because there is no evidence that is cold hard fact that says: it is this and it can't be anything else.

Please dont think this rude but :

So, someone placed those bones there? Did rocks turn to bones? if its only POSSIBLE that those bones are dinosaurs, please explain what else they could be?
Yes, but judging by how their bones are built (ie, compare them with a modern bird's), they were most likely related to birds. It's like how a monkey skull & Cro-magnon skull is like ours. That and they have fossils, which are imprints, with feather markings on them.
They think those bones are from dinosaurs, they think they know exactly what they looked like. Unless they have had dinosaur, that is alive, in captivity, and had it die there, and taken those bones, from that dinosaur, that is the only way they can have real proof that those bones really did come from dinosaurs. There's no real proof that there really were dinosaurs, it's only possible that those bones are from dinosaurs who died out a long time ago. Believing that dinosaurs exist, is blindly, to me, because there is no evidence that is cold hard fact that says: it is this and it can't be anything else.

Even if they couldn't assemble an actual dinosaur (and I believe they can, but just for arguments sake,) they can test the bones to find out how old they are. When they find the bones, and dig them up, they sometimes do find an intact skeleton. Which shows them exactly where the bones go and how it might have looked, its not like the bones are scattered across a large area in all cases and they have to guess how it would have all fit together.
Evolution takes millions of years, in reality, one human life-time is very short compared to the life of the earth. You can't expect you wake up one morning and your pet lizard is suddenly hopping around like a budgie. Evolution is happening right now, but it is so slow that you can't see it in just a few years.

Just a few years? The theory of evolution has been around foe more than just a few years. Is the human body structure, different, now than it was when humans first existed on the earth? Even if the human race did develop from apes, the first humans were still a very long time ago. If the human race came from apes, all of the apes should have evolved into humans, and there should be no more apes. Or, the ones that evolved into humans should have lived, and the ones that didn't should have died.
Just a few years? The theory of evolution has been around foe more than just a few years. Is the human body structure, different, now than it was when humans first existed on the earth? Even if the human race did develop from apes, the first humans were still a very long time ago. If the human race came from apes, all of the apes should have evolved into humans, and there should be no more apes. Or, the ones that evolved into humans should have lived, and the ones that didn't should have died.

she was saying that evolution takes forever, not that its only been around for a few years...

err, maybe i shouldnt say that...
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Just a few years? The theory of evolution has been around foe more than just a few years. Is the human body structure, different, now than it was when humans first existed on the earth? Even if the human race did develop from apes, the first humans were still a very long time ago. If the human race came from apes, all of the apes should have evolved into humans, and there should be no more apes. Or, the ones that evolved into humans should have lived, and the ones that didn't should have died.

Humans didn't evolve from "modern" day apes. We evolved from pre-historic ape-like creatures, like Neanderthals. Somewhere along the line, a few million years ago, humans and monkey-ape type creatures split and evolved differently. Creating the modern day gorilla/ape and humans.
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