Which came first? The chicken or the egg???

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I never said anything about church, and there are churches who are very misleading. This whole thing was about whether a chicken or an egg came first. Please do no shout at me, I did not shout at you. It's not just wikipedia, I can find another site.

how am i shouting....? saying something in CAPS doesnt mean your SHOUTING it means you inforcing that WORD

i wasnt shouting
I think I'm going to stop too. Sorry if I hurt your feelings in any way, shape, or form. These are just my beliefs and I respect yours as well.
at least im not alone :)

HCCL- Okay, my question- when did we ever say CHICKENS came from REPTILES ? we said BIRDS came from REPTILES, not CHICKENS, we said CHICKENS came from BIRDS and BIRDS came from REPTILES

and chickens have a gene that when activated they can grow teeth, where did they get this gene?from their ancestors who evolved from REPTILES

Do you have proof of that? I've never heard of a gene that can make them grow teeth, could post a link? Mine isn't from wikipedia, that's just where I found it, it's from a university, If I can find the site on my laptop I'll post it. If chickens came from birds, birds must have the protein, which means birds couldn't have come from reptiles. You have to think of everything and I'd appreciate it if you didn't use caps.

I used to pray that way, for a very long time too.
But the thing is, if we're Atheists, then we don't believe in those places therefore such an argument is invalid.

I understand that. Think of it this way: If I believe in Heaven and Hell, and I'm wrong, what have I lost? Nothing. But, if I'm right and there really is a Heaven and Hell, what have you lost? Everything, because that means that you have a one-way ticket to Hell. Putting it bluntly. I don't like to put it soft.
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