Which came first? The chicken or the egg???

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Broken said:
Here is the simple answer.

If you have good faith in God then you belive the chicken came first.
If you believe scientific theory then you belive chickens evolved into what they are today.
Agree with this almost fully. I believe in God (well, the Horned God, but I just call him God),however I believe in the science.
Wasnt going to say anything but man ya'll are getting nasty up in here.

Not trying to be nasty, just saying what I know.

yes but God isn't a fact either... I know I cannot change your mind and I don't think you can change mine so i will agree to disagree
Also stanfarmer when you said I was saying stupid stuff that wasn't very smart

The Bible says that the Bible is a fact. The Koran makes the same claim, but about itself.
I imagine that Greek myths used to say the same thing as well.

If you do not believe God and the Bible is fact, then no one is going to be able to change your mind.

questions543 ~ I'm not going to try to shove my faith down your throat, and I know I will not change your mind, but there are a few things I want to share with you.

When I was 11 years old, God got a hold of me. I had been in church my whole life, heard the Gospel message, but still I rejected Him. Every Christmas, our choir puts on a Christmas Cantata. As they were performing one of the songs, I listened carefully, until one phrase caught my attention and something inside of me snapped. The song said "Why don't you trust Him today, believe that Jesus Christ is the way. The Lamb of Calvary who died it your place! If you refuse him, my friend, in Hell your pain will never end. Accept his offer of mercy and grace. Trust Him today."
I knew I was a sinner, on my way to a devil's Hell. I knew if the Lord came back in the rapture that night I would not go go to Heaven to be with Him. Still, I put it off. At night, I couldn't sleep. Finally, I went a got my Mom and told her I wanted to be saved. I prayed that prayer of repentance, and asked God into my heart.
I still sin, of course. I've had doubts, yes. But since then, God has worked incredibly in my life, and I see Him working in the lives of fellow Christians around me. He hears my prayers, and He always answers them, though not always the way I would like. Many trials have come into my life, very hard trials. And I know there is no way I could have gotten through them without God's help, especially two particular major ones.
"You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart."

Princess Amri ~ You said the Bible says the Bible is fact. Do you know why? Because the Bible is God's Word. He is the author, and He used men to pen the words. God cannot lie, so of course it says in His Word that it is truth. The Koran was written by a man who is dead, and probably in Hell. God is alive, for everlasting.
I must say, I do believe that God created the chicken to lay the egg.

What I don't understand about evolution: Why would someone want to say that they came from monkeys? I mean, can't humans have at least a little pride in themselves?

Princess Amri ~ You said the Bible says the Bible is fact. Do you know why? Because the Bible is God's Word. He is the author, and He used men to pen the words. God cannot lie, so of course it says in His Word that it is truth. The Koran was written by a man who is dead, and probably in Hell. God is alive, for everlasting. 
The Bible claims to be God's word. The Koran claims to be Allah's word. The different religions all have one thing in common---they have believers who are sure that theirs is the one true religion.
When one looks at religion without being part of it, the similarities in the differing beliefs are quite noticeable.

I don't know how to explain my thoughts any more clearly than that. I hope what I said made at least a bit of sense. :/
It didn't really make sense, but that's okay. I'm not going to change your mind, and you certainly aren't going to change mine.
A lot of people who aren't evolutionists think we think that humans came from monkeys. They are wrong. Evolution is like a tree. It starts with the trunk where everything started (mirco-organisms) and continued to branch off. While yes, humans and monkeys did come from the same creature originally, the evolution split two ways.
I have watched monkeys, and they are very similar to humans, except they're better at living in the wild. I dunno about everyone else, but I really like monkeys. They're intelligent and cute.
Eh, I think us humans have enough pride as it is.
Y u no like monkeys?

A lot of people who aren't evolutionists think we think that humans came from monkeys. They are wrong. Evolution is like a tree. It starts with the trunk where everything started (mirco-organisms) and continued to branch off. While yes, humans and monkeys did come from the same creature originally, the evolution split two ways.
I have watched monkeys, and they are very similar to humans, except they're better at living in the wild. I dunno about everyone else, but I really like monkeys. They're intelligent and cute.
Eh, I think us humans have enough pride as it is.
Y u no like monkeys?


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