Which came first? The chicken or the egg???

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Lea you seriously need to calm down. That doesn't mean i'm going to fight though. Isn't there verses or something about not fighting.

Zin! I love mustashio monkey. ^.^
None so blind as those who will not see.

I'm not giving in to you, but there is no sense me wasting my time discussing this if you are not open to hearing what I have to say. If you ever want to know more, and feel more willing to listen to the truth, you can PM me.

I'm done here.
Im also done here but I dont think you were listening to us either.

But I think this was a good debate
Quote: x2. Though just to let her know, I was listening. I clicked all of her links when she had them posted. I'm willing to debate, and if you're going to preach you should be willing to as well. If not, then mind your own buisiness.
Before I say anything I want to make it clear that Lea did not ask me to post the first 3 paragraphs for her. I'm doing it because I think that I should.
She isn't reading this thread anymore, so what you are saying to and about her isn't getting to her.
First of all, she does not need to calm down because she was never worked up. Actually, I was with her when she posted most of the stuff and we were laughing over some of the (excuse me, but they are) ridiculous ideas you guys had. She was not upset, but she was a little bit frustrated because all she was trying to do was help you see the light and you weren't listening. And by listening I don't mean just reading all the stuff she posted, but at least trying to understand, trying to believe, wanting to learn. You are all her good friends, and she is just concerned for your souls. She was "earnestly contending for the faith", as the Bible instructs all Christians to do.
Second, I want to mention that she is under a lot of stress right now. And I mean a lot, too much for a sweet girl like her (okay, so maybe I'm bias :p but seriously). There is a lot going on in her life right now - problems with extended family, drama from a "friend" in real life, and other things that she wouldn't want mentioned on a public website. Every time she turns around, someone hurts her, and I don't mean physically, but emotionally and mentally, and it's draining. She also has a very busy schedule and isn't sleeping well at all. She doesn't talk about it, not even to me, but every time I look at her I can see the pain in her eyes. And being worried about you folks on here just adds one more thing onto the ever-growing pile. I think it would help very much if maybe you sent her a thoughtful PM?
Third, if she offended you, she is sorry for you that you were offended. But if the truth offends, that is your choice. Do not be mad at the bearer of the message.

Fourth, and last, I do have one message from her for you. She asks that you go to www.blueletterbible.com. Make sure the Bible version is KJV (not NKJV) and read the book of John and the book of Romans. She wants me to stress that you read it with an open mind, read it like you want to believe it.
No offense, but I don't think that laughing at our posts is a very good sign. If someone wants to share their beliefs with other people, that person should be willing to do some listening, and stifling of the urge to laugh. It's just good manners, in my humble opinion.

That said, I'd like to add that I'm sorry she's been having a hard time lately and hope life will be looking up for her soon. :)
No offense, but I don't think that laughing at our posts is a very good sign. If someone wants to share their beliefs with other people, that person should be willing to do some listening, and stifling of the urge to laugh. It's just good manners, in my humble opinion.
That said, I'd like to add that I'm sorry she's been having a hard time lately and hope life will be looking up for her soon.

I'm very sorry, I should have explained myself better. We were not laughing at you, that would be very rude. On the contrary, we think it very sad that people believe such far-out ideas. What we were laughing at was the wacky, ridiculous ideas.

Thank you, but she needs to hear it directly from you. Earlier, I read some of your posts to her over the phone, and do you know what happened? She just broke down and cried because she feels so sorry for you. But the one that really hurt her was Zinnia-Hen's last comment, because this is her business, my business, and the business of every Christian, because it's the Lord's business.

As for her not listening, well, we've heard all of this before. She knew what was coming, and she knew it wasn't true.
Tell her I didn't mean to hurt her in any way, shape, or form. These are just my beliefs, and I respect her own.

But I will say, I find it just plain rude and offensive that you're telling us our ideas are wrong and that you 'are worried for our souls'. It is most definitely not your business to preach to us when we don't want it. We all have our own opinions, and I don't think it's fair that you're sitting behind our backs, laughing and feeling bad for us because we worship Satan or something. Which is far from the truth. So please, if you want to debate, be mature about it. I respect all of your opinions, and hold your beliefs quite dearly to myself, and wouldn't dare attempt to offend them. I just don't think it's right that you're treating us as if we're delusional for not wanting to believe that Jesus was God's son and rose to the heavens after his crucifixion.

Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you, Zinnia. I doubt I could have said that better if I'd spent three hours writing drafts for my post beforehand. :p
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