Which came first? The chicken or the egg???

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Thank you, Zinnia. I doubt I could have said that better if I'd spent three hours writing drafts for my post beforehand.
I was hoping it didn't sound too crappy.
1.Tell her I didn't mean to hurt her in any way, shape, or form. These are just my beliefs, and I respect her own.

2.But I will say, I find it just plain rude and offensive that you're telling us our ideas are wrong and that you 'are worried for our souls'. 3.It is most definitely not your business to preach to us when we don't want it. We all have our own opinions, and I don't think it's fair that you're 4.sitting behind our backs, laughing and feeling bad for us because we worship Satan or something. Which is far from the truth. 5.So please, if you want to debate, be mature about it. I respect all of your opinions, and hold your beliefs quite dearly to myself, and wouldn't dare attempt to offend them. 6.I just don't think it's right that you're treating us as if we're delusional for not wanting to believe that Jesus was God's son and rose to the heavens after his crucifixion.

Thank you for your understanding.

1. Please, tell her yourself. She will like it better coming straight from you.
2. It's a shame that you find it rude and offensive that we care about you. I think that maybe if you read the books of John and Romans (KJV) with an open mind, you will understand a little better where we are coming from.
3. It isn't your business to tell us our business. It is our business to share the Gospel with others, God commands it!
4. First, it wasn't behind your backs, because I told you about it. Second, may I repeat, we were not laughing at you! If you want to insist that we were laughing at someone, say we were laughing at Darwin. But even that isn't true.
5. I don't want to debate. I don't even know how I got into this mess. But God laid it on my heart that I share these things with you, and who am I to not obey him?
6. I don't think you are delusional. Just maybe a little confused from being told and believing lies all of your life.

Look, if I come across as harsh, I don't mean to, I'm just really steamed right now. You hurt my girl. You hurt my girl! No one hurts my girl and just gets to go on there merry way. I care about her to much to let that happen.
And may I also mention that it takes a lot, and I mean a lot, of hurt to make her cry. She is a very strong willed young woman, and many people subconsciously lean on her for support, including me. It takes a lot to break her.
JPchick 29: I highly recommend reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins with an open mind. It's quite an educational book. :)

And we've all made our unhappiness about making your daughter unhappy clear. But we were merely saying our beliefs. I don't think we need to beg forgiveness for that.
JPchick 29: I highly recommend reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins with an open mind. It's quite an educational book.

And we've all made our unhappiness about making your daughter unhappy clear. But we were merely saying our beliefs. I don't think we need to beg forgiveness for that.

I will look into it, thanks.

Actually, she's my girlfriend

I don't expect you to apologize. At least, not for saying your beliefs. You are certainly entitled to them. But the way Zinnia-Hen slammed her and told her to mind her own business, making her cry... well, I think she deserves and apology for that.
And I am sorry if I seemed harsh or rude. I wasn't trying to be.
God also says not to push things or hurt others.
Who's to say God isn't a lie? You have no right to say others have been living a lie, who knows you may be living one.
I think it's time for all of us to back off.
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I know because of the way God has worked in my life. Christians are the only people who have any real sense of peace, the peace that can only come from God.
But you are right, we should stop fighting about this. I don't think I'll post here anymore, because I just get steamed about people slamming God and people who are dear to me, then I say things I didn't exactly want to say.
Well, you sure find it easy to slam others about there religion, or lack there of.
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