Which chicken breed makes a good indoor bedroom pet?

All breeds of chickens poop, and any breed could want to stay on your lap. No chicken should really be kept as a lone pet, or indoors, because they need to have a flock, and keeping them indoors alone is really not the best life for a chicken. If a pet bird is what you're looking for, there are many better options- budgies are one, and I know a few people who have them that could tell you about them and their required care!
It’s called a stuffed animal
This is my son's indoor pet chicken:
I've raised chickens in the house temporarily (a little rooster whose mama tried to kill him, for example). As soon as he was old enough (and the weather cooperated), I re-acclimated him to the flock. From this experience, I have to say that chickens indoors aren't all they're cracked up to be, lol. Not only the poop, but the amount of dust from the feathers is extremely messy. And a lone chicken is going to be very bored, Chickens need company, fresh air, dust baths, etc. that you really can't provide for them indoors.
I’m looking for a breed of chicken that doesn’t poop a lot and will stay on my lap for a long time. Would buff orpingtons be a good candidate? This will be an indoor pet.
LOL, :lau
:lau 🤣🤣
I think ALL chickens poop a lot (but not as much as the ducks!!). I think some chickens are just 'huggers' and some not so much. We've had Orpingtons for 7 years, and now have them, a Black Australorpe, Olive Egger, 3 Easter Eggers, and a Speckled Sussex. At present, the Australorpe and a couple of the EE's are pretty affectionate and will happily sit in our laps. That being said, I think you should not keep a chicken in the house. They are flock animals. You can still give them lots of love and attention. I think you just have to buy a 'calm' breed and hope for the best!♥️
Bantams are great indoor pets and can be house trained using a litter box. I wouldn’t recommend getting anything larger than a bantam breed because of the feather and chicken dust mess but in theory any chicken can be house trained. I know they are flock birds but so are budgies. In the absence of others of their kind, you become their flock and they can still thrive socially if you give them adequate attention. The problem is that sometimes people are gone from home all day. It would help having other pets. Cats and dogs can both be trained to get along with chickens and would make good companions if you’re absent from home a lot. There is a new “chicken” breed that is even smaller than bantams. They are called Rutin Chickens even though they are not technically chickens. They are a cross between a pheasant and a quail I believe. But fully grown they are about the size of a baby chick and they lay little eggs about the size of jelly beans. Good luck and I hope you get lots of love and enjoyment out of your house chicken!
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I found a bantam chicken a few months ago and she lives indoors with me. She is very tiny but man, does she poop a lot. Remember, every 7-10 poops is a cecal poop which has the consistency of pudding, smears when you try to clean it and smells so bad you might want to vomit. That being said, I love my chicken. She lives with me and three other birds (two parrots and a dove). She seems happy that we are her flock. She sits on my lap a lot but whether or not they sit on you really depends on the relationship that you build with them. I want to let you know that I don't leave my home for more than 2-3 hours at a time because of the poop situation. Its not fair to let her walk in her own poop and your house will smell if you don't clean it up right away. I work from home and my birds are my entire life so it's doable for me. I also have two RabbitAir air filtration systems. For the chicken to have a good life you would need a similar situation. Good luck!

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