Which Chickens to Get?


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Jefferson, Wisconsin
I'm going tomorrow to buy some 14 - 16 month old hens (take that young chickens in the coop - I won't have to wait for eggs anymore!) and I'm wondering what breeds I should choose. I'm looking for something that's going to continue to hopefully lay for awhile, deal with confinement OK (have a run - more than 10 sq ft per bird, but the only free range for a couple hours at night), and be OK with chilly WI winters.

The breeds I have to choose from are: chanteclear, RIR, buff minorca, buckeyes or black stars.

Does anyone have any personal experience with older hens of these breeds?
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Purdy chickens Chanteclair, Egg layers- Black Stars, disposition- Buckeyes, Dependable all weather- RIR, Buffs Minorca cool looking Asiatic that lay like a Leghorn.

You choose
amyc Hello. I'm from Waupaca. I have a RIR but I just got her this year and she hasn't laid yet. But her temperment is great. My three year old has claimed that one. She let's him pick her up and carry her around. She also seems to be the "helpfull" chicken. If some other chicken has something stuck in their mouth, she gets it out for them. If they have dirt on their beaks, she cleans them. If there's something on their feathers, she cleans that too. She's very gentle and sweet.
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Heavies are usually a good choice for the more northern states. We have Buff Orpingtons, Australorps, Plymouth Rocks, Gold Links, and Black Sex-Links. The sex-links often lay more than the purebred heavies. I think they also (not positive on this) lay well for another year while the purebreds start to taper off.
Chanteclers were bred in Canada, weren't they? Specifically to keep laying during the cold, if I remember what I read.
I don't know if they are friendly or not. I think My Pet Chicken tells you stuff about how docile or flighty different chicken breeds can be.
Buckeyes were developed (where else) in Ohio, the buckeye state. They are small combed and very adapted to winter weather. Ours are about 18 weeks old and rather layed back. The roosters are a little fiesty but the hens seem low key.
From what I have been told is Buckeys do not take confinment well. I would go for the Chanteclears and RIR. The black stars will burn out after 2 years. Buff Minocra might be good also since you just want eggs.
So, what'd you decide on? Whatever you picked, I'm sure you'll enjoy them!

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