Which Incubator?! FOR ARTICLE


Whispers Loudly
10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Lincoln, Nebraska
Its been awhile since I have been here, but Im back, and I have an important question for all my BYC buds!!

Which Incubator (Brand) Is REALLY the best?

I am writing an article for a new e-magazine and I know you guys know your stuff, So I decided this was the place to ask.

Anyway, What is your favorite brand?

Thanks alot you guys!!
Jason Ries
you need to say for how many eggs, a small amount hova-bator is the best, genesis, now if you are looking for a cabinet 'bator, a sportsman. the electric thermostat one with out the help panel
price will also make a difference
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I too like the Genesis BUT; money is the factor....cheep best I would pick the Genesis about 200 w/turner, best for a higher dollar would be a Brinsea 40 DX with the turner and the humidity pump 499 list.

I would love to have the Brinsea but had to settle for the Genesis.
Just finished my very first time ever hatch with the Genesis 1588 and it was fool-proof...the only thing newbies MUST do is get themselves a very good, easy to read temp/hygrometer. The Genesis was fun to watch and you could easily see what was going on.

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