Which incubator for courtnix meat prodution for family use


6 Years
May 8, 2013
I think I would need one that will stand up to frequent use. I have enough cages to raise 5-6 groups and would like to fill them up with quail then hatch a new batch every time a cage is emptyed.
As well as producing new egg layers.
I've been looking at all types of incubators and to say the least I am confused.

I just got my quail 3 days ago, some of them should start laying in 2-3 weeks. When do I start collecting for hatching after they start laying?
i start collecting them 10 days before i set make sure you store them properly
I use the "Farm Innovators Pro Series Model 4200" and like it a lot. It has a fan for circulated air and the temperature remains rock solid. It is very similar to the Little Giant but has a plastic shell on the outside which protects the styrofoam better. The incubator will hold 120 quail eggs in the auto turner but you will have to switch out the chicken egg rails and purchase the quail egg rails.
Am I the only one who finds the irony that "Veggiecanner" is raising quail for meat??

Anyway, you didn't say how many quail you currently have, but I have the same incubator as Barton. It wouldn't be too difficult to fill 5 or 6 cages, but remember to keep several large hens from each hatch for future breeding stock "in the event" of a accident or something unforseen happens to your quail that you have.

Good luck, and welcome to the forum.

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