Which incubator to buy?

Thanks for all of the informative replies!

I just ordered the Hova Bator 1588 w/ auto egg turner.

After reading multiple reviews online, I settled on this one. Seems to be the best bang for the buck.

Now to order some hatching eggs!
Great choice. Never had a moments trouble out of mine. You'll love it!!!
Good idea, there is a local guy with some hatching eggs I could get.

I also have a trio of Silkies. Maybe I will gather 8-10 of those over a 5 day period and try those out.

Good idea, there is a local guy with some hatching eggs I could get.

I also have a trio of Silkies. Maybe I will gather 8-10 of those over a 5 day period and try those out.

It makes a great excuse to do an extra hatch.
Gotta get in a trial run before putting out the bigger money...lol We want to incubate our own eggs this summer for the first time. The prospect is exciting. I just have to get the Easter Hal hatchling's coops finished before I can take on that project...lol

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