Which sickness does this look most like?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 11, 2014
HELP!! I have 2 hens, the striped one and a broiler which I plan to eat soon. They are about 3 months old and have not been around other chickens for that length of time. About a week ago I noticed one was squinting one eye and had what looked to be peck marks around it. Now, her eye is runny and almost closed, which I was unable to get a pic of. The other eye is fine. I did get a pic of her comb, which is growing dark bumps. She is eating and drinking fine and running around, but may be acting slightly puny at times. Can anyone offer up what they think it might be? Should I go ahead and kill her and disinfect my coop?

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Could be anything from Fowl Pox to Coryza. If you look up these on this site you will find some good leads in the right direction. Good Luck!
Thanks for the reply. I read about all the most common diseases and hoped it would be nothing she would stay a carrier of. Wish disease was easier to determine :(

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