while at the feed store...


8 Years
Oct 17, 2011
Palmetto, Fl.
Hoping you can help with the id of these 3 breeds.
Stopped at the feed store and well..he had bantams and I just love the little loving and lively birds so home I came with 6 more.
these 2 are of a powder blue/silver tint.

the next 2 are active and very interested pair

and lastly this one has an "owl" look to it's face and has a large breed build without feather feet.

any help would be gretly appreciated.
The top 2 look like cochin chicks (blue perhaps? I had 4 this spring. Looked exactly like those). No mistaking that ball of fluff they have, from their tops to theirs toes. Unless I'm mistaken! (read disclaimer on signature.)

I dare not venture a guess on the next 2, since a lot of chicks look like that to me.
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I agree with the cochin guess for the first two. The next ones I'm not sure, but maybe welsummers?? Not sure at all, just a wild guess.
And that last one I have no clue at all. Sorry I'm not more help.
what color are the feet on the 2 chipmunks? They could be Welsummers if they have yellow feet or Sussex if they have pink feet. What kind of combs do they have?
I failed to mention that they came from Privett Hatchery and looked at the hatchery page. I am hoping the blues are D'Uccle as they carry a self blue
Praying that the 2 with stripes are OE's as they don't carry the wellies or Sussex the last is the biggest mystery as I can't find any babies that look similar will try for a better pic today..as for beard ..I a \m not sure have never seen a bearded baby so maybe if you don't mind a second look today hdowden then possibly we can pin that one down I did go through every species of bantam that they carried to try to ID them before posting.
I failed to mention that they came from Privett Hatchery and looked at the hatchery page. I am hoping the blues are D'Uccle as they carry a self blue
Praying that the 2 with stripes are OE's as they don't carry the wellies or Sussex the last is the biggest mystery as I can't find any babies that look similar will try for a better pic today..as for beard ..I a \m not sure have never seen a bearded baby so maybe if you don't mind a second look today hdowden then possibly we can pin that one down I did go through every species of bantam that they carried to try to ID them before posting.
I just checked Privett Hatchery and they do carry the Speckled Sussex which are a chipmunk chick. So if the feet stay pink that will be my guess but if they start turning green then EE . I seen they carry the Ameraucana/EE. The 5th one, maybe a Wyandotte?
the 2 self blues or porcelains in the top pics do appear to have beards.

pics of them from the top looking straight down would help to identify beards

this is one of my d'uccle. see how at the checks and going under its beak and basically around its chin is nice and fluffy unlike the rest of the face area, that's his beard i might have more chick pics in my d'uccle album and my silkie mix album as well all the chicks in those albums have beards

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