White bugs in chickens poop!


May 4, 2022
My chicken coop🐓
Today I was cleaning my chicken coop and noticed and unusual black poop I took a look inside and found multiple white little bugs crawling around almost like caterpillars. Is this normal?!

The day prior I found one stool with worms aswell I'm trying to do the natural method of deworming like red pepper but I'm not sure that is going to work. Everyone is acting fine just these stools are freaking me out!
I believe it may be maggots!

Is it alright to not deworm with heavy medicines unless a chicken is struggling or at that point is it to late? Could I try giving red pepper as I've read it could be natural dewormer? Adding to that does worms in stools mean that they are overloaded with them?
All these homeopathic remedies do, at best, is to create an inhospitable environment for these parasites and microbes. They do nothing to eradicate a significant load of them. You need to resort to conventional wormers or anti-microbe substances in the case of yeasts. Avoiding using these conventional substances is misguided because they are not the harsh chemicals most folks imagine.

Typically the way a wormer works is as a sedative. It sedates the worms so they stop feeding and they stop their development, dying in the process. Then they are absorbed as extra protein. If a heavy load of worms is suspected, if you use a mild worming agent such as Safeguard, it kills the worms gradually so the dead worms do not overwhelm the chicken's intestines.
Could you post a picture of the droppings? It sounds like there are flies laying maggot larvae on droppings. When they do this on the chickens soiled vent area or in a cut, the chicken can die of flystrike in warm weather where maggots invade the body. Be sure to inspect your hens’ vents tonight on the roost, to make sure that no one has flystrike. Most chickens can get worms from the soil. To worm your chickens use something like Valbazen or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer or horse paste.
Could you post a picture of the droppings? It sounds like there are flies laying maggot larvae on droppings. When they do this on the chickens soiled vent area or in a cut, the chicken can die of flystrike in warm weather where maggots invade the body. Be sure to inspect your hens’ vents tonight on the roost, to make sure that no one has flystrike. Most chickens can get worms from the soil. To worm your chickens use something like Valbazen or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer or horse paste.
 I inspected all of them right now and everyone is good. Was mainly concerned about my cochin hen because she constantly gets a dirty bottom no matter how much I wash her because she is so fluffy and big!

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