White chick with a few black spots

Omg omg I'm getting giddy!!! So I had a leghorn "pullet" that developed spots and such like that from tractor supply while shopping for my first real flock in the clearenced birds. She was pretty beat up too. I got a great price because of how she looked, named her Jacked Up, and I was happy to find I hadn't purchased her main bully. Fast forward a bit and I'm on here going what the what is this thing?!
She turned out to be a he and he's a delaware!!!! They're my dream bird! They're rare and expensive too.
Now your cuties legs look too pink for that but I'll hazard a guess at a Californian something or other or a Dominican doohickey aabobits.
Technical terms of course.
Yeah, I'm terrible at breed names lol.
Anyhoo I'm excited for you! I hope your fluffer butt is a good and healthy bird and I wish you many happy surprises!
Yaay mystery birds!!!
I have a 20 day old chick(pretty sure it's a roo) that is white and its starting to get a few black spots. I have a mixed flock of chickens. I hatched out 2 like this last year that were hens. Does anyone know which breed they night be? I will get a good picture of him tomorrow.
I crossed a barred rock hen and leghorn rooster and all my chicks have white feathers with black spots. I call em Domino's bcz of the few spots in all the white feathers

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