White Cornish Standards

this is one of the saipan roosters that is contributing to the current round of mad experimens
Apparently, standard bred white lf cornish are as difficult to find as most breeds I find interesting. I read a recommendation somewhere (can't remember where) suggesting crossing bantam white cornish cocks over lf white laced reds, then breeding the largest daughters with best type back to their father.

I'm still trying to get my head around color genes, locuses (loci?), etc... Would you be able to eventually get back to solid white birds through heavy hatching and culling, or would you end up fighting red leakage forever?

Has anyone tried this?
I hatched fifteen out of twenty four eggs that were supposed to be large white standards. The first to hatch was a black Australorp then a brown Cornish. Most of the others had a brown symmetrical pattern on their backs and four were pure white or yellow. They are about twelve weeks old now and most of the whites are pure white.
My intention was to maintain a flock of large white hens but I'm not sure if I can use these. I also have two brown Cornish Pullets from another breeder.
The black and the brown have been free-ranging for a month and are quite trim.
The whites have been free-ranging for a week and are reluctant to stray too far from the trough.
They also stay inside when it's hot.
I'm open to advice.
I think I'm only allowed one photo due to a lack of seniority but I'll try again.
That particular bird has a very wide gait and a peculiar walk because of it.
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