White egg


Mar 17, 2018
Talking about white eggs. I have jumbo brown coturnix quail. I started getting white eggs. I think it's the same hen, but don't know which one of the 7. First one was otherwise healthy looking. Just all white. Next day it was white AND kinda semi soft: meaning you could put a dent in it just with a light pressure. I give them 25% protein gamebird feed and offer crushed oyster shells on the side. All other girls are laying fine. The last few days were hot and humid, although I offer them a dust pan with a fan during the day. What do I do? What could be the reason?
I agree with the previous poster, if the hen is stressed or startled, she will sometimes lay an egg that didn't get the final shell applied. Keep offering the oyster shell and try to see if there's something that might have been stressing the birds. They should be fine.

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