White glob inside the egg when cracked

Michigan Transplant

9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Marionville, MO
Can anyone tell me what causes and what it is when you crack an egg and there is a white glob of something inside. I thought it was nothing at first but some of the others eggs are the same thing. I collect the eggs daily so it can't be that they have set for so long that they are growing a chick so I am at a loss at to what it is. Thanks for helping me.
If is solid it could be a meat or blood spot. If its stringy it could just be that the chalaze, the filaments that hold the yoke in place, are a little bigger than normal. Those are nothing to worry about as they can happen at any time for who knows what reason. The other thing that comes to mind is you have worms, but worms in eggs is rare. You stated there were more than one egg like this right? I agree its not a embryo developing, to cold this time of year with out a broody sitting.
That is the chalazae. As an egg ages it disappears, so you almost never see chalazae in supermarket eggs (which are old and have runnier whites, too.) Some French cookbooks will tell you to only use old eggs in omelets and custards so as to avoid the chalazae. I've cooked in restaurants and worked for a chef who had me do this, but, it's perfectly edible! ( I do, however, strain my custards and puddings to get a perfect silken texture. Here's one recipe: http://www.hencam.com/henblog/2011/04/a-girl-and-her-blow-torch/)
The chalaze fades as the egg ages. I guess mabe I can learn something new. I thought the visibility of the chalaze was dependant on the chicken or breed, but than I'm no cook.

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