White Layer Hybrid changing color


Mar 1, 2021
Downeast Maine
I got a White Layer hybrid as an "assorted duck" in this spring's order. She arrived yellow, turned pure snow white, and has been a steady and reliable layer, if not the most people-friendly. I noticed this week that she appears to have molted and grown in a bunch of golden feathers. It's quite lovely!


Does anyone else have white layers? Have you seen this happen? I figure she's only 8 months old so there may be plenty more color changes ahead.
I got a White Layer hybrid as an "assorted duck" in this spring's order. She arrived yellow, turned pure snow white, and has been a steady and reliable layer, if not the most people-friendly. I noticed this week that she appears to have molted and grown in a bunch of golden feathers. It's quite lovely!
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View attachment 3332116

Does anyone else have white layers? Have you seen this happen? I figure she's only 8 months old so there may be plenty more color changes ahead.
How unique and pretty! I have a white layer but she's still pure white at 1 1/2 years old. She did get a speckled bill like I see on yours. I thought that was interesting.
Wow that looks cool! I have one white layer and her new wing feathers after molt are a light golden but not nearly as dark as yours.

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