White Leghorn vs. RIR


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 6, 2011
As far as egg laying I posted a little while back wondering how much longer it takes a RIR to lay than a white leghorn. Just thought I'd share that according to my chickens it takes approximately 2 weeks longer for a RIR to lay their 1st egg. We got our 1st brown egg yesterday. YAY!!
I have 3 white leghorn & 10 RIR. I also have 2 babies (supposedly buff orp, but one of them is strange looking) that are not at laying age yet that I purchased to go with some guinea keets. The strange looking one the front (head) half of his body resembles RIR feathers & the back half resembles white leghorn lol. I think the one that looks like a buff orp is a rooster, he is semi-agressive & his feet are meatier than the hens.
Here are my girls.

Here are the eggs side by side. You can tell it's been 2 weeks difference in laying for them by the size difference!! I tried to get a pic of the strange looking guy/gal, but he is still in a coop with the babies & keets & keeps hiding behind the roosts & the other babies....

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