White Sport Cream Legbars

Now THAT'S a pretty bird!!!!!!

Thanks, I have a whole flock of them. I just love my whites... I am hoping to win every show I go to with them once the SOP is adopted...( illusions of Grandeur)
I haven't gone back and read the thread but mine was easily sexed. Are they harder to sex when you breed for them, mine was just hatched with regular CCL.

I have no idea, all I know is I cannot do it. I just hatched 16 whites, 6 came from CLB's with the recessive gene and 10 from white parents.

I tired to sex them like was described, I just cannot see it, they are all white chicks to me..

It might be my old vision.
Hello to All White Legbar enthusiasts,
You now have a page on the Cream Legbar Club site!
There are photos of white legbars throughout the site including the Photo Gallery.
white Legbar chicks.jpg
I think some whites are easier to sex than others depending on the background genetics. So they can be made to autosex more easily. Or maybe it is just how you take the pictures lol
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