whiteish stuff near cloaca


Oct 8, 2019
Manorville, New York
I have a white silkie mix that started laying about a month ago, eggs are clean and she seems fine. today i was giving her a once over looking for mites or anything out of the ordinary. when i peeked at her cloaca, there was some whiteish stuff. no smell and very small amount, not leaking out of her but just around the opening. does this have anything to do with her being ready to lay an egg? could it be an infection?
It sounds like urates, the white uric acid that is seen on most droppings. Those may be a little dry. Urates are the kidney waste. Is she pooping normally? Can you offer her some water, and make sure that she is drinking well?
It sounds like urates, the white uric acid that is seen on most droppings. Those may be a little dry. Urates are the kidney waste. Is she pooping normally? Can you offer her some water, and make sure that she is drinking well?
So the white stuff is moist, so would you say it's probably just the urates awaiting a ride on a poop out?

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