Who all here gives away their eggs?


15 Years
Jun 23, 2008
North Carolina
My chickens are my hobby. I never got them intending to sell their eggs (although it would be nice to sell enough to pay for their food costs) so I usually give them away since we don't eat a lot of eggs.
Just wondering who else gives their eggs away.
So far I've been giving mine away. We get about 30 eggs a week, and probably use about 8 on a good week...lol. However, my teen son has taken a recent interest in weight lifting and is tyring to eat a lot of protein. So last weekend he actually COOKED scrambled eggs for himself...and went through a TON of them. So maybe I'll be using my eggs afterall??? Or it's a fad and I'll be back to supplying my in-laws and friends with free eggs
Like you NicinNC, my girls are mostly a relaxing pet hobby for me.
I give them to family and friends but sell my chicken and duck eggs on CL. I do give duck eggs away to a low income family whose child has autism and because of a special diet he is on can't have chicken eggs. I am more than happy to give away to someone in need - especially for a child(ren). I too got into my birds for the love of them but it's nice to get a little money back to help with their upkeep
we give eggs to our neighbors. We have roosters! nuff said!

but i also sell 1-3 doz eggs a week....
some times i scramble some for the baby chicks.. usually the banty eggs, tho.
I only have 9 hens but I give away quite a few dozen eggs. It is fun and people really enjoy them during these hard times. I would love to sell some but have not gone into that because I do not have enough hens to make it worth while. I am NPIP. Mine is a mixed orpington flock. I want to add some EE's this year. Hummm and maybe some Sussex and if the blue rocks are as nice as the barred rocks then some of them. Oh well I guess I have the bug too.
Gloria Jean

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