Who all is raising Jumbo Browns?

Yes, the eggs are graded and sent to buyers. That is why it can take up to 2 weeks to send out an order, so we can send out the best eggs possible. Not all birds will be perfect. Like birds hatching from show parents are not necessarily show quality offspring. It takes culling from every side to get what you want. What the buyer gets is a good starting stock to continue the lines or add to his/her lines. I hear many things about the birds and most are good and that they are huge. And no, the bird is not a "tatanka" I culled the Tatankas. This is a "Stellar" bird, Buttercup lines is in and she gets credit.
Your definetly in need of a little 101 quail...4 Tatanka...had them in my lines i culled every one of them..way to much inbreeding and way to much talk on the bird.If im correct which i know i am. Every quail has a culling process just as any other poultry or gamebird. To bring the best quality to ppl. But alot of inbreeding causes decrease in size....
Model A Tractor....

I do not believe Quail Lady ever CLAIMED her quail she posted to be a "Tatanka" I personally do not want the "largest" JUST because I can get it...They do not always reflect the true "quality" of the breed. There are true breeders out there that stick to the "standard" and those are the breeders you should buy from.... Not these jacket dandies that try to get these "HUGE" breeders so they can say they bred them. What problems do these "huge" birds have? I sure don't want something in my breeding program that will have possible bone and joint problems. Stick to the breeders that breed standard... and stop bashing the ones that do!!!

Yes, the eggs are graded and sent to buyers. That is why it can take up to 2 weeks to send out an order, so we can send out the best eggs possible. Not all birds will be perfect. Like birds hatching from show parents are not necessarily show quality offspring. It takes culling from every side to get what you want. What the buyer gets is a good starting stock to continue the lines or add to his/her lines. I hear many things about the birds and most are good and that they are huge. And no, the bird is not a "tatanka" I culled the Tatankas. This is a "Stellar" bird, Buttercup lines is in and she gets credit.

I have a friend that bought some of your eggs more than a year ago here in arkansas. He has been very happy! Even sent me a link to http://www.stellar-gamebirds.com
But we no longer have quail. Just too much to do with everything else.
Your definetly in need of a little 101 quail...4 Tatanka...had them in my lines i culled every one of them..way to much inbreeding and way to much talk on the bird.If im correct which i know i am. Every quail has a culling process just as any other poultry or gamebird. To bring the best quality to ppl. But alot of inbreeding causes decrease in size....

Where did you get these birds, from Alex? I didnt send you any... Whats up with the name change?
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Hi, I'm model_A_tractor, also known as "MobyQuail" in some circles. I haven't posted much here the past couple months because of all the "sales" business going on in the Quail forum.

I am not "new" to Quail, I have plenty of educational threads out there. In fact, I started Quail 101, which turned into QuailShaq 101.1 a long time ago...in forum time...

We did a nice thread on hatching Quail with almost 20k views, lots of good Quail information in that one, helped alot of newbs.


then there was Quailshaq with 16k views, which detailed several lines and broods of Quail from hatch to dispatch. Incorporating in many lessons learned from JJ and fatdaddy and others.


Since, we are in the raising Jumbo Browns thread, I'm wondering if anyone else has pics or videos to share.

here are some of my tatankas.
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ah yes, a note on jumbo hatching egg size, nice segway, my thought is pro sellers should only send out their best graded larger eggs to paying customers.

We know what a good egg is, evenly colored shell, nice uniform shape, laid daily, on time, with no disruptions in the egg dept or paint dept.

so, what is the standard? do you, as sellers, only send out 14, 15 or 16+ gram eggs? what should paying customers expect?

with the "Tatankas", when we have sent out "free" eggs they are usually all over 14 grams. We like the half ounce #

that being said, from the other side of the fence what should buyers look for:

buyers should make sure they get what they are paying for, jumbo hatching eggs should be the biggest and best the seller has.

and, imho, if buyers don't get jumbo eggs like those pictured above they should ask for their monies back.

btw, nice bird, but that bird is not a "tatanka".

what about some pictures of your tatankas and eggs. thanks
how about we start a "Tatanka" breeders club thread, that way, we can post all our pics.

the lineage of the birds back through the co-op and buttercup and the "genius line-breeder" gentleman in texas that blessed buttercup got some of her birds from. yes, I did my research and got bits and pieces of the story and put it all together as best I could so far. I get emails and pms from all the stewards regularly

We can also list the Standards we have all adopted in selecting breeding stock. including the rough feather gene that has popped up in the bigger birds.

This will be like a "Tatanka" Quail registration. A running history of the little brown birds we simply call the "buffalo" quail.

Like I mentioned, I know of only 3 primary stewards with breeding flocks, One in Kansas, One in Rhode Island and me in Florida. I also know several others in Colorado, Illinois, Texas and Michigan who have been "gifted" these birds to start their coveys and are well on their way.

The history of this "breeding project" goes back to a co-op started last spring by "buttercup" in texas from there one person "fatdaddy" in kansas sent eggs from his breeding stock. We have documented through the F5 generation now with outcrosses to jumbo whites. Over the next year we will hit F10 with more outcrosses and line bred backcrosses.

I have a quad of F2 brown birds a quad of F4 brown birds and F1 and F2 outcrosses to whites. All birds reached 280+ grams at 42 days.

I will get it started in the AM, I have plenty of pics of eggs and birds.

eta- some history
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I am also a keeper of the Tatanka line of quail (RI facility), and it's comical to see bad reviews given by people who have never actually owned or raised an authentic Tatanka. Here's some reality for you all. Although I have gifted many, many, shipments of eggs to new worthy stewards, I do occassionally sell some to the general public. I offer a 100% money back guarantee that all of the birds that hatch from my eggs will reach at least 250 grams by 42 days, and 7 of 10 will reach 280 or better, often times 300. This all depends on the keeper feeding at least 26% protien GBS and nothing else for the 42 days.

The next time you order Jumbo Brown eggs from someone, ask if they will provide the same, or similar guarantee. A skeptic may say that the recipients of the eggs could easily say that the birds never reached the weight and take advantage of my offer, but to this day, everyone has been very well satisfied with their results, and many have repeat ordered. Talk is cheap, facts don't lie.

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