who and what am I


9 Years
Apr 19, 2011
Meet Squiddly, chicken little, ugliest chick in the world.
He/she can't walk really, to top and front heavy...walking leads to him falling face first. So he runs all over.
We went to the feed store to get just one more chick...
the 16 yr old saw this and fell in love.
Feed store lady and I both said sweetie it doesn't look good it will likely die.
16 yr old says but if it does die at least it will be well loved and cared for.
How can you say no to that.
I had said no bantys. it's a mini chick all right. It was just in a cage with 20 others labeled bantams.
4 weeks later it's still alive. It's legs are wider at the feet than his body. It seriously looks funny...but...as its growing and feathering, it's looking prettier, but still can't walk, still has to run every where.
So, any ideas on type of bantam or just a generic one.
any ideas yet on gender? and even age if you want to take a guess there.

That's a buff Cochin pullet with frizzle feathers.

Here's my cochin frizzle.

I love my frizzle. Usually poly vi sol infant vitamins can cure a sickness easily, but without iron. I put the drops in my hand and guide their beak to drink it.
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