who did it?


6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
I free range my chickens on 2 acres; they never leave my property. They never go behind the barn which is brushy undergrowth about knee high. I lost 3 the other day and found 2 piles of feathers behind barn, no bones, no feet, no heads, nothing but feathers.
Any idea what did this?

Sorry about your missing chooks. Could be about anything fox hawk coon.. even coyote.I assume its fenced but fences dont stop wild animals much unless really tall and tigh with a net or wire top.2 acres thats sort of impossible.Maybe you can fence an area closer to the coop until you figure out what did it.
Thanks for the reply; I agree, could be almost anything.

Yes, I think I will try some electric fence to keep them a little closer to barn and coop.
Sorry about your missing chooks. Could be about anything fox hawk coon.. even coyote.I assume its fenced but fences dont stop wild animals much unless really tall and tigh with a net or wire top.2 acres thats sort of impossible.Maybe you can fence an area closer to the coop until you figure out what did it.
hi roxannemc.

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