Who else has experienced a terrible ratio with a straightrun . . . .

I do have to say I think the shipped hatching egg ratio is because the female embryo seems more delicate IMO.4 seasons of hatching shipped eggs backs up my hypothesis...of course other factors like temps affect cockeral embryos ... some day, when I have time to breathe ....maybe I will have to really experiment
I'm going to try an experiment one day about that . . . . rounded egg = hen and pointy = rooster. When my few pullets do start laying and I notice a bullseye in the egg i will only collect the rounded ones for incubating and see how that works out.
Yepper, I am one of those that can usually pick mostly pullets, so that leaves more roosters. I'm sure there are enough people like me that it stacks the deck against other, less knowledgeable people. The farm store they got the chicks from is run by people with little knowledge of their products, much less chicks. So, the chicks were probably picked over before my friend got hers. She was definitely not happy, but that happens with straight runs. I will trade her 3 pullets for 3 roosters as I didn't raise any meat birds this year and would like to put some in the freezer.
Wow! That is crazy!

My order last year from Meyer's, - 14 of 15 sexed-pullets were hens, and the freebie was a nice Welsummer hen.

My first hatch this year, 6 of 9 are roosters, and feed store sexed-pullets 1 of 3 was a rooster. They will go to freezer camp. I will certainly make use of them this winter, but in the future I'm going to keep my hatches small (or get a bigger freezer
First chickens we ever ordered (McMurray) included 11 roos out of 12 straight run. Have never ordered from them again. It could have been random but sure left a bad taste in our mouths as newbie chicken owners. Until we ate them, of course. Then we had a good taste in our mouths. Best chicken stock ever.

Can a mathemetician here calculate the odds of getting 11 out of 12 roos with a typical sexer's x% sexing accuracy rate (or the odds for any of the other results that have been quoted here)? That kind of math is beyond my ken. I recognize that in order to draw a full conclusion we'd have to use all their straight run orders not just a few anecdotal ones, but I've always wondered what those odds were.

How about it? Any math whizzes out there?
If I did it right, 11 out of 12 straight runs being roosters (or pullets) will happen 12 out of 4,096 times, or just under 0.3% or about 3 times out of 1,000 orders.

Don't buy a lottery ticket!!!
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I got 6 straight run EE chicks and had a 5:1 ratio F:M. As time goes I am wondering though if my Roo is actually an EE or something else as he has a comb AND waddles.
Yup I'm a thinking this was not the year to order chickens.........43 chicks 34 roosters........... If I had not let chicken math get me at TSC when I bought 6 pullets, I would of only had 6 hens.................plus my order was screwed up from the get go and they threw in the wrong breeds, no Delawares, no ancona's then made me wait 2 months to fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEVER AGAIN, if my girls don't go broody my chicken keeping days are numbered to die away, cuz I will never order from a hatchery again.
And don't tell me they don't know exactly what they give you, they sex all those chicks you can bet your booty, and if you order straight run they give you 1 maybe by accident 2 hens and fill your box with roosters........
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Lol, I've never ordered a straight run before because I do have terrible luck and would end up with mostly males. I have a local friend who ordered 15 straight run chicks, and she came out of it with 4 hens! I gave her two of mine, but now she has a massive number of roosters to get rid of!
Wow! Guess I was lucky!
Got my first silkies, straight run, and only one is a rooster! Exactly what I wanted!

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