Who Else Is Fishing Today??

We are mainly salt water fishing in this neck of the woods (New Orleans) the lake near the house is messed up right now, because we had to open the spillway due to high Mississippi River. All that fresh water went into the lake and made it a mess, so no fishing on the seawall for me for a while. I miss it, very relaxing to sit on the lake in the evening hoping for a big red fish or drum or sheepshead to come by.
We are mainly salt water fishing in this neck of the woods (New Orleans) the lake near the house is messed up right now, because we had to open the spillway due to high Mississippi River. All that fresh water went into the lake and made it a mess, so no fishing on the seawall for me for a while. I miss it, very relaxing to sit on the lake in the evening hoping for a big red fish or drum or sheepshead to come by.
I'm sad to say I've never been salt water fishing, I'd love to though. We do catch quite a few drum up here on the Missouri River, at least that's what we call them. I've recently discovered us fishermen up here call them whatever we want. There's these little silver fish with fangs we catch and everyone calls them Skipjacks, well I googled it and no, they're called Moonfish :gig
That sucks about your lake, I'd be heartbroken :(
I'm sad to say I've never been salt water fishing, I'd love to though. We do catch quite a few drum up here on the Missouri River, at least that's what we call them. I've recently discovered us fishermen up here call them whatever we want. There's these little silver fish with fangs we catch and everyone calls them Skipjacks, well I googled it and no, they're called Moonfish :gig
That sucks about your lake, I'd be heartbroken :(
Oh thanks, but this has happened before and lake comes back just fine, have to wait a little while though.

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