Who else is setting... I wanna see pics!


I was so caught up in the camotion here that I missed the pic
of your chicks, sorry. They are gorgeous

Good luck
So great. My Olive Eggers are Cuckoo Marans roo over an EE so I have 2 very dark with the white spot and 3 lighter grey... Here's a pic.

Do you think these can be sexed like Cuckoos can? I only need 2 pullets so I think that is what I'm seeing. Thoughts?

It works differently when the roo is the barred one. You would have to ask that in the breeds, genetics, and showing section. I can't remember how it works. Sorry.
I do know that the egg color is supposed to be passed on from the roo though.

They are BEAUTIFUL chicks though.
I'm not an expert at all but...
from what I've read here on BYC there are 2 base shell colors... blue and white. If you want an Olive Egger using a Marans rooster then you have to use a blue laying hen for the blue shell base and the Marans roo for the brown shell overlay. The 2 colors together create the Olive color.

Marans eggs have a white shell base and a brown shell top layer. You have to use a Marans roo since a marans hen only passes on the white base. If you see a cracked Marans egg then you can see that it's got the white inside layer.

I wish there was a way to know the gender now like you can with purebred Cuckoo Marans. Since I'm on 1/10 of an acre I'm already pushing it with 6 hens, the 3 quail, AND the new babies

Anybody have experience with Cuckoos?

so i read a post on here, someone asked if thier kicking and chirping newly hatched chick will disrupt the other eggs in the bator. Someone answered that it won't hurt, it will actually encourage the others chicks to hatch! So, I got an idea.... tonight at 7:00 is technically going into day 21 for my eggs, from my setting time on day 1...you'd never guess what happened...
So i lean over my bator and start chirping for a few minutes to encourage anyone who's close to hatching(lol... i know it sounds silly but hey what have i got to lose) and one of the eggs CHIRPED BACK at me!!! just to make sure i wasn't hearing things i did it again...and the little one chirped back again!!!!
so one is waking up, oh, i can't wait!!!! i've been glued to bator waiting to see a pip...i will keep you updated.
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okay i have my eye on one that i thought i heard the chirp from and it is moving. not a lot but there is someone definately in there
oh i hope i get a pip...come on just one. I am going to the store to get things for supper, i've heard so many stories of people going out and coming back and they have a chick hatched, so i hope it works for me.
and if not tonight tomorrow i will be at work for a few hours so maybe i'll get a surprize when i get home! oh, this is SOO exciting!
LOL.. I said that too and right after the first hatch I was like, "come on just two!!!... come on just three!!...etc" They're not kidding when they say it's addicting!
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WishI was jane - that is my understanding too. That is why I put my BCM roo over my EE. She lays a pretty blue/green egg and he came from probably a 7-8 on the marans scale.

Stazia86 - I whistle to my chicks also as they begin to hatch. In fact I still whistle to them and the current batch is 4 weeks old. It's pathetic.
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