Who else is setting... I wanna see pics!

It's tiny and barely there, but I have one!
I have a pip!
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I have 6 PIPS (including the one last night) oh they are chirpin' away. I woke up this morning to more eggs with that little chip of egg poking out, now they have a few more chips, not "technically" a zip yet, but there is progress!
oh, my , I can't believe it!! i can't believe it, they are right on time!!! i have 6/25 that are pipping, so i'll keep you posted
Redhead that's how i felt lastnight, i had my first one at 10:45. My hubby is kinda indifferent, but it's nice to have you gals on here for support! and my son is 6 and he will just be soooo thrilled when the first one hatches. he's been asking me everyday for the past 3 weeks, "when are they going to hatch". i've been telling him soon, but now i can FINALLY tell him they're HERE! they are hatching NOW!
okay, i'm gonna go back to the chick T.V. but i'll keep you posted!
okay...i took the flashlight in there to see a little better and i actually have10 PIPS!!!!! oh, it just keeps getting better! 10/25 that's not too bad, now i just hope the hatching part goes okay
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Congrats on all your pips!

I'm sure you'll get more once the first one hatches.
Just remember... don't open the 'bator.
Im at 1 gold laced orp, 1 whit orp, 1 partridge orp and 1 misc?
All still in the bator causing havoc.
5 to go, possibly
I cant see any pipping and the 1 i tought was rocking was just being pushed

Its day 21 so I will leave them go for another 24hrs before removing the chicks.

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