Who else is setting... I wanna see pics!

yes! not opening! and i know that the first day they absorb the yolk anyway so i won't be freaking out thinking they need food or they'll die. I even told my hubby this morning under NO circumstances whatsoever are you to open that bator! he says i know, i know, or they'll die (translation: it's always life or death with these things, i haven't even breathed in the direction of that incubator for the simple fact that i don't want to be blamed for killing them, believe me i won't open it, you couldn't even pay me to open it!)
so, maybe i have stressed to him that they are fragile...lol...but it hey, it better to be a annoying and save a life, than to assume he knows and him open the bator 10 times a day (which he probably would have) if i wasn't like
I hope everyone following this thread has high-speed internet!
Here's the pics:
8 buttons in one hand. (#9 was still drying)

Black chick's back:

Black chick's face:

chick #2

Chick #3:

chick #4:

#4's head, I think:


#6, a vader chick, right?:


And another of those chicks, but a little lighter in color:

The white chicks:


And lastly...
DH holding an hours-old button. It could have crawled through his wedding band!
I came down this morning to a newly hatched cortunix! Hopefully they'll hatch today and all my little chicken chicks will start by tomorrow.

I have to go check my chicken coop for eggs. I feel like I ignored my ladies yesterday. LOL!
I sat in front of the 'bator all day for a bunch of little bumblebees!
They really are adorable, though!
Oh My! All those buttons are so cute! And tiny! What are you guys going to do with them?

I am supposed to get some quail eggs in a couple of weeks but now I'm not sure I have a quail proof cage anywhere.

Congrats on everyones hatches!
oh, they are sooooo adorable...and teeny tiny! yes bumble bees are about right. shoot, some of the ones we have out here in the country ARE that big...lol
I've heard that you shouldn't put button quail on wire. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with them, yet.
Maybe I'll just leave them in aquariums in the kids' rooms for the winter. My children love them!
I have a cage in the barn for the cortunix, when they feather out.
The lady who is going to give me the eggs said that I should put foam on the top of my cage because they are flushing birds and fly straight up when startled and whack their heads.

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