Who else is setting... I wanna see pics!

Just had 3 chicken eggs hatch... no idea what the chicks are, they were from a "frizzle tophatter" ebay auction...

I am really surprised, one of the egg shells was covered in huge pores and I didn't think it would hatch because I read bad things about eggs like that, but sure enough it did!

Glad to see I'm not the only one hatching button quail right now, so fun!
walkswithdog<<<<<i just woke up from a 3 hour nap and they seem to have gotten nowhere. yes patience is a must at this point! i agree!

Okay i now have 14 pips, and most of the 10 from earlier are still at the same beginning point. a few have a tad bit more of "A" crack (not many cracks just one) than before but everyone is FAAAAARRRR from zipping. Man why is this taking so long?!
Where's the fast foreward button on this thing! I can hear two of them talking to each other, i whish they would just

bieng patient...practicing...applying the patience

Okay, seriously, how long was your longest hatch veterans?
i'm still in the "safe" faze right? when should i start worrying?
So 3 yeaterday, (day 20), 1 today (day 21).
Does that mean the others have died?
They dont rock or cheep, nothing.

I love the ones that have hatched but the others had movement when I candled them5 days ago so I thought that they were doing well.

The chicks that have hatched are causing a ruckous in there. so funny

If the eggs don't progress how long should I leave it before removing the chicks and how long should I hope for the eggs??
stazia86, Im with you! Im going out of my mind, so many if I just, what ifs, will they, wont they, have I, should I...........................................
When you hear them peeping to each other, thats chick-language for, "Ha, Ha! You can hear me, but you cant seeeeee meeeee!"
It does take a long time. I had a chick pipped (it was the 1st one to pip in the whole set) that took about 48 hours to decide to zip. It was the last one to hatch. They come out when they're ready.
The best you can do is give them time.

I usually leave the unhatched eggs in until day 25. I had one hatch on day 23 once. After that, I open them to see what went wrong.
After 25 days I toss them on the 26th day if there is no activity. If there is I open it to see if it needs help. Pue I have never had one that did. They where dead.
sethsleader....good i'm not the only one.
must take back the last statement of no one zipping. One pippied on a side away from me (they're in egg cartons so they can't roll around) and it must be a roo, he's squeakin' like "let me outta here!" and zippin faster than most of those chick hatching you tube videos...lol. So "if"
he keeps going then he should be the first one out. the others are still sitting there though......they keep tapping the same hole, but not zipping...i dunno. i guess they're reading the hatching guide in there now that they have light....lol

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