Who else is setting... I wanna see pics!

Nope, just the males. That's how you can sex them, that and the red vent feathers on the males. Don't let anyone tell you different, the ONLY way to surely sex them is by the color of their vent feathers, except for the whites and pieds, you'll get to wait for eggs on those. Some of the silvers don't have colored vent feathers either, but the bibs is not how you sex them. There are some that are sexable by their color (see the other birds in the blueface pic, near the top of the pic? The one on the left is a redbreast hen, on the right is a redbreast roo). I've had silver hens that had bibs, so the bib is not a sure thing!

Also, the 'HEHEHE' sound is not crowing, that's just their way of talking to each other. The crowing that only males do sounds like wind blowing. You'll know it when you hear it! My adult girls have started laying eggs anywhere from 8-11 weeks old, so you've got a while to wait!
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What do you do with your buttons in the winter, shelley?
I was going to put them in an old guinea pig tank in my son's room. Is there anything special I need to know before doing that?
They just seem so... neat.
I have a Rat Manor cage that they are in right now. It is really not big enough for them. I also have a 2' by 3' plastic tote that the younger ones are in right now. The older ones are outside on the porch right now, but will be moving back in in a month or so, the others are in the spare bedroom. I am going to make them a set of cages similar to a bookshelf. It will be about 5 or 6' tall, 4' wide, and 18" deep. Each 'cage' will be 1' high by 2' wide by 18" deep, and house a male/female pair, or a two-male group (I have a lot of extra boys!). They will have a solid back, solid sides, and a 3" tall lip around the front of each 'cage', to keep bedding and babies in (cause I have some that like to brood). The doors will be on each end of the cages for cleaning. So I have a project on my hands (like I didn't have enough to do already!).

And don't let anyone tell you different, they can be kept in groups larger than 1:1. I have had my older birds in pens together (1 pen has 6 birds, one has 7) since they hatched, with no problems. The younger birds have been together since they hatched (the tote birds) and there are 10 in there.

Just be sure that the bar spacing on the cage is not more than 1/2" to 1", cause they can get out. I would go with 1/2", I've had them pop through the 1" wire. They are pretty easy to care for, just remember they need higher protein and calcium once they start laying eggs. I get the cuttlebones for my buttons, and 1 cuttlebone will last my girls (2 in one pen, 3 in one, and 4 in the other) between 3 and 4 weeks, so it's not that expensive. Oyster shells like you'd get for chickens is too big for them. You might want to put some large-bubble bubble wrap on the top of their cage, cause they fly up if they get scared.
The guinea pig condo is 3 sides wood and 1 side plexiglass with a wire lid. It's about 2' x 3.5'.
Other than that, I have a large aquarium I could use.
I may split them into 2 groups and let my daughter have a few in her room.
At what age can you sex them?
About 4-5 weeks by the vent colors (or plumage colors for the colors you can sex that way). The whites will have to wait till they start laying, maybe you can give them to your daughter? Then if you get eggs in that pen, you'll know they are girls!
RedHead - Congratulations!!

shelleyd2008 - LOL!! I was thinking of giving her the white ones... you didn't tell me you were psychic!!
yay redhead!!! your patience paid off!

I just had to help one that pipped today at 7:30 AM i had been hearing it chirp and wondered why it wasn't zipping. so i took it out and the membrane had dried out around it and was suffocating it. so i took a wet q-tip and started working. i finally got the shell of and it's umbillical cord is still attatched. so i left the bottom of the shell on and sat it back in the bator to dry and hopefully it will detatch itself when it's ready, i just hope it makes it. i know you're not supposed to help, but it was going to die anyway. i just hope it can pull through.
the hatching part i believe helps strengthen it's muscles...oh, boy what a hatch day!!!
Just got home an hour ago from over night out of town. Was on day 18...came home now day 19th. Had nothing unpacked n came to check eggs...I'm pipping!!!! Several eggs n two rocking n rolliing!!!!! No zips yet Woooooo Hooooo!!!!

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