Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Do you guys buy egg cartons? We've been saving egg cartons since the fall, knowing we would get chickens in the spring. Once our birds start laying we will have more eggs than we can manage (red sex links and leghorns typically lay everyday) so we will go through our stored carton by selling/giving away eggs to friends, family and coworkers.
gotta love me sum chickens

I'm so jealous!
My six chicks are only 10 weeks so I have a while to wait for eggs!! They are my first chickens, and I'm loving this adventure!
So we just started our first "flock" because a friend at work had to order more chicks than he wanted. So, long story short we ended up with 2. A RIR and a black Australorp. They are now4 weeks old and I'm rushing to finish the restomod of our 12'x12' shed with electricity into a chicken coop. I already want more but the wife has put her foot down until I prove I will be cleaning out the coop on the -30*F Vermont winters. Here's to waiting......
Im excited to have that first egg but right now im just enjoying my girls company. They all like to get on my lap and spend time, even my Buff Chantecler! ...Her behavior doesn't seem quite true to breed as I understand that they're supposed to be flighty.
I'm waiting and waiting for that first egg.
We live in the city and are only zoned for three chickens.
I, too, love taking care of them. One of my chickens (ISA Brown) should be laying soon.
I'm in the same boat! We have four older chickens (two Delaware, one Red Russian Orloff, and one Barnevelder) that are twelve weeks old yesterday, and thirteen younger pullets (when can you start calling them pullets vs. chicks or hens???) that I believe are about eight or nine weeks old. They're a mix of breeds; ten Golden Lace Wyandottes, two that I'm not sure of, and one that I believe is an Americauna cross. I'm not expecting anything for quite some time, but the other night one of our older twelve-week old Delawares started making that "I'm going to lay an egg" sound and started wandering towards the house. Nothing ended up happening, but we're planning on getting nesting boxes built this weekend just in case!

We're going through a ton of store-bought eggs, and the chickens are eating...and eating...and eating. Hopefully they'll start earning their keep soon!

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