Who else is waiting for that first egg?

We had a possum kill to of our girls. We have successfully killed one (emotionally charged due to the loss) and caught one in a live trap. Showed mercy and let him out far far away. We will continue to keep the trap set every night. We are going to build a new coop and inclosure.
Ohh that's sad.Commiserations You do get so attached.Don't you.We have a type of opossum here[introduced from Australia] it is classed as a pest.It strips native forest and your fruit trees if you live in the country.Also eats native bird's eggs.Haven't heard of them going for adult hens but eggs would be fair game not sure about chicks.Most folks in the country use a ''Timms'' trap. Basically a plastic box with a hole one end opossum puts head in bang instant humane death! Country folk swear by an opossum under each new rose bush!
This made me chuckle... "bang instant humane death." I didn't know possums would be so vicious. They didn't eat the chickens just killed them.
Anxiously awaiting my Easter egger to lay me an egg. So excited to find out what color egg she will lay! Hoping green, I have wyandottes for brown eggs and cream crested leg bars for blue eggs
We have a few pullets approaching 16 weeks - my guess is they will start laying in a month when we go on vacation! Our Jersey Giants started laying a 6 months (we were expecting a 9 month wait) - and they started laying when we were gone for the weekend! ...but it was Easter, so not a bad time to start!
I went to do chores this morning ours girls our 15weeks old this week and I opened the bin to get feed out and there was this beautiful egg!
After our first egg we got two the next day,then none the day after and then two again the following day,,today there were no eggs.(the ones we ate most were doubled yolked is this that normal) They were all so good to eat..loved the flavor so much better then from the store! The Red Sex-links are the ones laying now I believe but it does seem the RIRs are not far behind the combs are nice shaded of red. Can't wait for more to come! Also I love all the beautiful Chicken I have been seeing!!!
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This is probably a silly question...but does double yolk eggs just happen randomly or is it a specific breed that does it. And if so, what breed? I'm not new to chickens, but I don't remember any eggs being double yolk. But I've mostly been around RIRs or farm mutts. It will be interesting to know if any of the breeds I own today may lay some double yolkers. :)
When the roosters start breeding the pullets for the first time does that indicate laying will soon follow? My cockrels just started breeding my girls last week. I'm hoping for eggs soon, was wondering if breeding was anindication of them being close to laying. Thanks.

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