Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Great. Now I want some. Ugh...chicken math
I have 10 week old jubilee orpingtons that wont be laying for a LONG while. Its driving me even more crazy because I'm planning on hatching their eggs!!! Does anybody know when they usually lay their 1st. Is it like typical chickens.
My little sisters barred rock pullet, Lily, layer her first at eggsactly 16 weeks.
I haven't worked with jubilee orpingtons, only buffs--the difference in genetics may matter for the sake of egg-laying time. What I can tell you is unfortunate--orpingtons are a big bodied heirloom breed; nature has to take it's course with them. That long wait time is one of the reasons that people started cross breeding and finding hybrids that lay faster. There are other threads that address how long orpingtons take to lay, based on the different figures I've seen and how long its taking my orpingtons to grow, you're probably in for a another 12-14 week wait. Hopefully your birds make a liar of me and produce way sooner than that.
Our wait is over!! We got our first two eggs today at exactly 21 weeks . First to deliver Black Eye Doodle our Black Austrolorp , not to be out done BabyDoll our Welsummer followed and both are perfect eggs layed in the nesting boxes . Waiting on Buff Orphinhton and EasterEgger, our Silkies one accidental Rooster and the other we are not sure about, praying she is a hen !!

We are still waiting for our first egg! Our girls are all about 19 weeks old.

We have 5 different breeds, one has a full comb and large bright red waddles but the others have varying degrees from no waddles with a small bump instead of a comb to small comb w/ small waddles. Does this indicate somewhat to what order they will start laying?

I've heard that when their waddles change to bright red they may be close to laying, but what if they have no comb or waddle? Are there other signs to watch for as they approach egg laying maturity?

Also, my Americauna has been acting funny the last few mornings staying inside the coop for periods of time while the rest are outside in the run and making very loud squawking noises. She isn't staying in the nesting box but going on the roost, moving about the coop. No egg yet. Any thoughts that these are signs she is close to laying? I should also mention we figure she is at the bottom of the pecking order and get's picked on somewhat.
Our wait is over!! We got our first two eggs today at exactly 21 weeks . First to deliver Black Eye Doodle our Black Austrolorp , not to be out done BabyDoll our Welsummer followed and both are perfect eggs layed in the nesting boxes . Waiting on Buff Orphinhton and EasterEgger, our Silkies one accidental Rooster and the other we are not sure about, praying she is a hen !!

Hooray, must be so exciting!!! :D

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