Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Mine don't use the roost they go up on the rafter so they can see, I need to add a window or two! Soon!
Mine tried to go up on the rafter but I was ready for them. Fixed it so they can't roost up there. In the winter I don't want them up high where the ventilation openings are. There could be a breeze up there.

Just got these two and was reading about frostbite prevention. I need to put a window or two in soon
Mine don't use the roost they go up on the rafter so they can see, I need to add a window or two! Soon!

Mine 8 of mine have decided to roost in the open eves that are hardware clothed from the outside. The other 4 sleep on the roost. This weekend I am blocking off the inside of the eves also that way come winter they won't try to sleep up there. They shouldn't but knowing my luck they will. They are not going to be happy with me at all! Maine winters are a little to brutal for me to chance it.
Pa winters are not as bad but we have our moments, I still have the heat ligjht in there from spring when they were still small and I'll put some cardboard in it to keep most of the breeze out.
Ya that's what I plan on doing also. Block out some of the front eves even though the wind don't really blow through to bad the way I have it angled. The back won't get hit at all by wind. Also I will screw their windows back on come late fall.
Is this a support group for people with egg anxiety? I'm expecting eggs around the end of this month or beginning of July. A friend told me her local grocery stores in Texas are rationing eggs due to millions of commercial chickens dying from a bird flu. Prices are going up accordingly due to macro-economics (supply and demand). If my chickens start laying by mid July it will be perfect timing.

Hahah, a support group?! Perfect!! I have some 2 week chicks and and I'm already getting antsy!! Lord knows I have awhile longer to wait!!
Ya that's what I plan on doing also. Block out some of the front eves even though the wind don't really blow through to bad the way I have it angled. The back won't get hit at all by wind. Also I will screw their windows back on come late fall.

I live on top of a hill and we get some swirling winds but not real bad. I'll probably cover the bottom of the coop small part of the run under the coop. I think I'll be comfortable with that.

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