Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Im not sure how to post a question, so sorry to tag into this one for my question. What exactly is a roost? We have a round pole perch( a repurposed handicap rail) in front of the nesting boxes, and a covering on top of the boxes. They will sleep in one of the boxes or on top of the boxes, but haven't seen them sleep on the rail, or a tree branch we have inside. Is this what you are referring to as a roost?
Im not sure how to post a question, so sorry to tag into this one for my question. What exactly is a roost? We have a round pole perch( a repurposed handicap rail) in front of the nesting boxes, and a covering on top of the boxes. They will sleep in one of the boxes or on top of the boxes, but haven't seen them sleep on the rail, or a tree branch we have inside. Is this what you are referring to as a roost?
The roost needs to be higher than the nesting boxes otherwise they'll sleep in the boxes. You don't want them to sleep in the nesting boxes as they will poo in them all night. In turn that will make your eggs dirty when they are laid. Until your girls start to lay it's probably best to block off the boxes so they can't get into them. A 2 x 4, laid with the big side up makes an excellent roost, especially if you live in a cold area. On the 2 x 4 they are able to cover both feet with their body and keep them warm.
Pretty chickens! What breed are they apart from white leghorn?I have a leghorn X Araucana who lays pretty blue eggs.

I have the leghorn, 2 Americaunas, a Barred Rock, RIR, Buff Orpington, and a Silverlaced Wyandotte that are 18 weeks. And I have 2 Black Copper Marans, 2 Blue Marans and 2 Olive Eggers that are 7 weeks old. I think a couple of the younger ones might be roosters:)
Chickens can be so weird. I went out this afternoon to give them their greens and check for eggs, and I was apparently right on time. I saw Bianca sitting in the corner of the coop where she likes to lay her eggs (still NEXT to the nest box, rather than IN it), and all three of the others standing around facing out like they were guarding her or something. I put the greens down and went in to get the egg, which was still warm, and checked for any more - no such luck. Nobody else has started laying yet. Hopefully soon.
I have a Peacock and Peahen, My hen, Sam, laid her first egg today since she's been with us!!!!
I have the leghorn, 2 Americaunas, a Barred Rock, RIR, Buff Orpington, and a Silverlaced Wyandotte that are 18 weeks. And I have 2 Black Copper Marans, 2 Blue Marans and 2 Olive Eggers that are 7 weeks old. I think a couple of the younger ones might be roosters:)
What a pretty egg basket that will be!Marans are not available here because of bio-security issues.Their chocolate brown eggs look lovely.
My EEs are 18 weeks this week. I have their nest boxes set up, but now I have a cat that has decided that she wants to sleep in them.

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