Who else is waiting for that first egg?

We have three 2 year old hens, and added eight new pullets a couple of months ago. We also doubled the size of the coop and added a run at the back right before we put the pullets in with the hens. Ever since then, our three hens have been very stingy with their eggs. I guess that's because of all the changes at the same time. It's getting frustrating, though. Now our pullets are getting close to the 20 week mark, and we are anxiously waiting for them to start laying. It's been awful having to buy eggs again
. We are so anxious for the pullets to start laying, but most of them still don't have red combs or wattles. We have quite an assortment of breeds, and I'm curious to see who starts laying first!
Two of our EES are squatting when we try to touch them, they are 19 weeks. No interest in nesting boxes yet, but I did put some golf balls in them. I'm guessing we will see our first egg at the end of July, they will be 22 weeks at that time. It's fun though making the guesses of when and who will be the first.

One of my Americaunas laid her first egg today! She is 19 weeks old. Here it is next to the egg my Leghorn laid the other day. :) so exciting! These are my first 2 eggs!!!
Man it's killing me to keep waiting. As soon as I get home from work I go straight to the laying boxes and check. Then I start checking all around inside the run to see if one might be out there. Then when I get up in the mornings I go open the house up so they can get into the run I eat breakfast and before I head to work I check just to make sure. I'm glad I'm not home all day or I would be out there checking all day lol. I know it will be another week or two but on pins and needles waiting.
They are slowly getting bigger! Looks like we will be on an every other day schedule. (Right egg is from Sunday left from today)
3 of my 6 started laying almost a week ago.they are only 14 weeks old so i was suprised when my wife found them. barely bigger than a golf ball. can't wait for the other 3 to start.
3 of my 6 started laying almost a week ago.they are only 14 weeks old so i was suprised when my wife found them. barely bigger than a golf ball. can't wait for the other 3 to start.

What breed?! That's a crazy time to be laying! I'll have to get my hands on whatever breed you've got lol.

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