Who else is waiting for that first egg?

We just found our first eggs when having an evening brew with our girls!!
I'm so excited I feel like a proud mother, I suspect their duck eggs so I hope their welcome on here.

Yesterday we had our 1st egg, but it was soft shelled, laid in the poop tray, & they ate it! Today, after horseback riding, I checked in the coop & could see my black sex link in the nesting box. I tiptoed away & about 15 minutes later
scored our 1st real egg. It's pictured next to a store bought white egg for scale.
Saw a few of our girls sitting in one of the nesting boxes today... hope that means they are ready to lay. Every morning when I let them out I tell them to lay me 10 eggs today and they just squawk at me as loud as they can. They are so sassy in the morning.
12 of my birds are 19 weeks old. Most have red combs and have been squatting for about 2 weeks. Still. No. Eggs. The anticipation is unbearable

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