Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Ugh, this question was suppose to go to the picture above.
Could these eggs be from the same chicken or not?
Ugh, this question was suppose to go to the picture above.
Could these eggs be from the same chicken or not?

I would say no. If a chicken lays a green egg they will always lay a green egg. Same goes for other colors too. Now I do get solid green and camouflage color green from the same hen. I know who's they are since the other green layer lays very light green on the rare occasion she is inclined to lay at all.
I also get some variation in the darkness of the brown eggs from Kanga the large Black Australorp. Some days they are lighter than other and sometimes she paints them with small spots. But they are always brown.
The shade of color may change slightly throughout the laying cycle; but a white layer will always lay white, a brown layer will always lay brown, a blue layer will always lay blue, you get the idea. They don't spontaneously change egg colors. The green egg came from a different chicken then the white egg.
Just got another egg and this one is in tact so it's the first official egg.
New flock: Gretta van sostern (RIR 16 weeks), Sadie hawk (Easter Egger 12 weeks)

Sadie hawk and Rockette (Barred Rock 9 wks).

Long wait for eggs.
My girls are sleeping in their nesting boxes at night so after reading all this, I am going to block them off until they start laying. Am I understanding that they don't normally lay eggs at night? What about the golf balls, do people put them in there so they will think they are eggs. Love all the info, and so nice to know I am not the only one that loves her chickens. They are not laying yet but am hoping will get so,e eggs in a few weeks.

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