Who else is waiting for that first egg?

2nd and 3rd egg so far from my 5 girls, at 19 weeks old!

Beautiful shade of brown. What breed laid these eggs?
Went out and found two eggs instead of one! Haven't found the culprit yet! Still happy they laid it inside the nesting box this time!
I have 2 hens laying and the other 5 (almost 21 weeks) are squatting and a few are checking out the boxes. I just want eggs!
Well, my one buff orp that I thought was ready to lay surprised me with a first today--not a first egg but a first rooster crow instead. She (he) is 15 weeks old--is it normal for a rooster to wait that long to crow?

I had a closer look after the crow and realized that I have been ignoring a lot of signs. We'll chalk it up to being a rookie
I have orpingtons and the deal was they could be returned if they turned out to be roosters.We're not allowed roosters here. My ''Betty White'' turned out to be "Bertram''.We got ''her'' at about !6 wks and she wasn't crowing then! In this case the breeder got it wrong! So don't feel bad that you didn't notice the signs.I didn't either. Thankfully he was replaced with another who is now laying.
Thanks! We also have 12. In the last two weeks I've really seen a lot of development in their combs and waddles. Several of them started squatting this week. I'm hoping to see some eggs by 16 or 17 weeks.

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