Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I have a very good book that i got from farmer supply that stats the eggs you need to get any thing off the eggs befor you put them in the icebox or what ever due to the protective layer they have on them can over time break down and let in bacteria. When we had chicken before most of the time the stuff will come off . be sure to check for eggs frequently so they won't get any thing on them but if they due and you do have to quickly get wet and gently wash off what won't come off then . ( and this i did not know. ) you take a tiny bit off veg oil and put on the egg all over it. If any access could dab with a clean Kleenex or paper towel. it won't last as long as mother nature but will protect the egg from getting bacteria Through the shell until you eat it or sell it and they eat it. I went and got the book . It is Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens Care*Feeding* Facilities by Gail Damerow. It was $19.95 It is very informative and doesn't have a lot of tech language that you would not understand unless you had a dictionary to look up the words. She has been raising chickens for 40 years andhas raised many different breeds She also submits articles to the Back yard Poultry magazine and is the author of many books on animal care such as the Chicken Health Hand book and The Chicken Encyclopedia. She has a farm in Tennessee and raises other livestock as well
I got my first egg today. My ISA's are 15 weeks and two days old.


Ooooooo beautiful egg! Congrats!
We got our first Australorp egg! So 4 out of 10 are laying, I wonder who and when we will get an egg next!! It really feels like Christmas
What I find interesting is we have 2 coops and both the eggs in the picture was found in a different coop than I was expecting
Man my girls are holding out. We have 4 different kinds that are all about 19-20 weeks and nothing. I put an Easter egg in one of the nesting boxes and they have moved it but none of them have shown much interest in it. Well except staring at it and shreeking. Especially the leghorn. I think she's bipolar. Lol
20 weeks here, BO's and EE's Waiting...I'd be happy if the girls would just look in the boxes! I already pulled them out, painted the inside dark and lowered them. Probably gonna lay when and where they want! 

My new layer had her egg behind the nests. Go figure 5 nests she chose behind it on the floor.

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