Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Thank you I was shocked lol I thought I was gonna have to wait for them to be 6 months my early bloomers lol

Not fair, mine are 19 weeks and nothing from my girls
I have two sets of chickens. The first family is 19 weeks old, 1 Minorca, 2 new h. Reds, two giant white jerseys. The second set are twelve weeks and they consist of 2 Delawares but one ended up a boy and two austrolorps.... And guestimations for when I will get eggs????? I love my birds so much but now I have the egg bug!!!!!!
I have a 21 week EE and SL Wyandotte and so far nothing.
I have 2 19 week old RIR and nothing from them either. One is just starting go grow a comb and waddles so I think she will be a while. Her sister has a more developed comb and waddles although still pink, not red.

Come on ladies! I check every day when I get home from work.
Well, both our Leghorns are laying every day. They are 19 weeks old today. The first leghorn started laying two weeks ago, and the other a week ago. Our Buff Orpington and Easter Egger are both the same age as the Leghorns, but, while they are showing signs of being ready to start laying eggs, neither one have yet, so, we are still waiting for them to kick it in gear.
My white leghorn started to lay a week ago today. Expected her to be the first of the 8 breeds I have to lay. What is surprising is that my Jersey Giant laid her first egg today. With Giants being such a large and what I thought would be slow maturing, it was unexpected when I spotted her in the nest box. Still waiting on the Silver Laced Wyandotts, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, and New Hampshire Red. Was expecting the 2 red girls to be next.
I have a mixed flock of five. My oldest two are a White Plymouth Rock and a Buff Brahma both around 20-22 weeks old. The other three are an Easter Egger, a Red SexLink, and a Buff Orpington. They are 1-2 weeks behind the oldest two. I know Brahmas mature a little later so I'm not expecting eggs from her yet. I thought for sure that my White Rock would be laying by now. I hAve a ton of family members asking when they are going to start laying. I'm trying to be patient but it's hard!
Also, I have the nesting boxes blocked off until I find the first egg.

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