Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I am blocking my nesting boxes off at night and they have access to them during the day. I also put golf balls in all tbe boxes. Today they took some of the golf balls out of the boxes and I noticed they had pooped in some of the boxes. How do I keep them from doing that?
I'm getting eggs from my older gals that I took on trade for a goat.
My RIR are 18 weeks or so.
I can't wait for them.
I'm also picking up 8 Lavender Orps on Saturday. Only a month old, so a bit of a wait on them.

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I am blocking my nesting boxes off at night and they have access to them during the day. I also put golf balls in all tbe boxes. Today they took some of the golf balls out of the boxes and I noticed they had pooped in some of the boxes. How do I keep them from doing that?

If they pooped in them that means at least they were IN them. It gets better with time. Once they start laying in them they will stop the silly behavior. My old hens when broody will actually steal eggs from another nest to add to their collection. NOT sure HOW but they have moved eggs from the top level nests to the lower nests.
I know this for sure since I only have 2 old EE hens so only a max of 2 green eggs. I see the green egg in the top nest and an hour later go to gather finding it in a lower nest under a grumpy broody hen.
Thanks for the info. One of the golf balls got moved from one box to another and I thought that was bizarre. Yours are really clever.
We got our first two eggs today!!

Unfortunately, they were laid on the floor of the coop and NOT in the boxes and both got smashed

We cleaned out the old bedding to make sure there weren't any more and put new bedding down. They go in and out of the boxes so they know they are there. Maybe the bedding is more comfortable than the hay we have in the boxes? I put some of the fresh bedding in the boxes too, hopefully it helps. But now that we've changed out the bedding, my Roo is being a Diva and won't go in the coop. He's sleeping under the stars tonight..(the run is covered on all sides and he's on top of one of the rabbit cages). ANY time we change something, he boycotts the coop...SMH
I am so ready for the first egg!! I have 4 girls and they are a handful and their food cost a lot so I hope they will lay lots. My dad has been paying for the food, and he asks me "when will these chickens be more then just pets?!?!" I tell him when summer is over, but really idk. I have a RIW, BA, Hamshire red, and a PR

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